Brilliantly 'i' - ode to the farce

As long as the process is cheated
as long as 'i' walk ever tall
as long as 'i' stand up in being
as long as 'i' lie all and all

As long as the system works for me
as long as 'i' know, no-one cares
as long as 'i' get what i am 'wanting'
as long as 'i' shine in the flares

as long as 'i' do all the speeches
as long as 'i' have all the say
as long as the meeting believes me
then 'i', 'i'm am the one OK!

'i' walk the lie
'i' talk the lie
'i' am the lie
That's 'i't

But nothing
yet nothing
how brilliantly
ever comes
of 'i't!

And that 
is 'i'


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